Place an order
Step 1: Select Product
Place the product in your shopping cart by clicking the order button.
Step 2: Add to cart
It does not matter where you are in our shop, you will find your basket at the top of the page. Once you open your shopping cart, you can see which products are in your order.
Step 3: Login
Do you already have your own account? Please login.
Step 4: Address
Where can we send the order? Fill in your personal and address details.
Step 5: Shipping method
Choose the way of shipping.
Step 6: Payment
Select your preferred payment method.
Step 7: Overview
Ensure one last time if …
... your address is correct..
... you have ordered the right products.
... you have ordered the right amount of products.
... you have selected the correct payment method.
All right? Then it's time to check out.